A divorce is already emotional and becomes much more complex and contentious when a wealthy couple is facing a high asset divorce. If you and your spouse have assets that include a business or businesses, investments, retirement accounts and pensions, real estate holdings or other high net worth assets, your divorce process can easily become complicated. If not handled properly, the financial implications will be significant.

Our high net worth clients benefit from our well-established relationships with forensic accountants and actuaries that know how to properly evaluate a myriad of assets. We know the importance of providing professional business valuation and accounting services from industry experts to develop a fair and equitable property division settlement in a timely and cost efficient manner.

We focus on the financial details that are important for high net worth marriages, including:

  • Business Valuation and Division
  • Strategies to Limit Tax Liability
  • Dividing Real Estate
  • Separate Property Holdings
  • Pensions, Retirement, and Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO)
  • Stocks, IRAs, 401(k), and Profit Sharing Plans

Above all, we refrain from emphasizing the potential for short-term results at the expense of more important long-term goals. When children are involved, the stakes could not be higher. Nurturing parent-child relationships involves more than the nuts and bolts of a child custody order. Family dynamics over a lifetime and even into future generations will be impacted by how a divorce is played out. We have successfully helped many divorcing high-asset parents see the big picture while tending to the details that a complex divorce may entail.

If you decide to work with our firm, you can expect individualization in all aspects of our counsel and advocacy for you. Whether or not your case should go to trial, we will use every tool and method available to protect your dignity, your assets and your children through the process.


To schedule a confidential consultation with the Mulligan Law Firm with regard to a high net worth divorce call (570)-703-2069 or email us at jimmulliganlaw@gmail.com.