Social Media and Family Law In Pennsylvania
Social media has many advantages in today's society. It also has…
Can Alimony Be Modified In Pennsylvania?
The question with respect to the modification of alimony comes up…
Client Entitled to Half of Winnings in Scratch-Off Lottery Ticket Case
A Pennsylvania Superior Court upheld a a lower court’s 2019 ruling that a…
Attorney Mulligan Featured in 'The American Spectator" Article
Learn more about Attorney Jim Mulligan's take on voting fraud in this…
Scranton’s Premier Family Law Firm Enforcing Court Orders
When a party subject to a family law court order fails to comply with the…
Emergency Petition In Pennsylvania Custody Cases
In custody cases, the guiding principle of the court is always protecting…
Coronavirus Complicates Child Custody Issues
Scranton Times article that appeared on 4/19, written as a guest…
Understanding Domestic Violence
Domestic abuse is a growing problem in our Country and in Pennsylvania.…
Parental Alienation In Pennsylvania
Parental Alienation is where one parent undermines and interferes with the…
How Are Assets Divided During Divorce In Lackawanna County Pennsylvania?
The marital estate is defined as all property acquired by either party…